Each asset is an important financial investment and our combination of in-house expertise enables us to take a broader view of a property and then manage according to specific, identifiable factors critical to bottom-line success.
InterMark’s staff delivers a unique combination of knowledge and skills that some firms attain only by calling on outside sources. Our principals and management team have extensive background in ownership and development as principals. We leverage these talents to the benefit of our clients. Additionally, our experience in banking, capital markets, asset management, and our capabilities related to various government programs — such as affordable and tax credit compliance — strengthen the traditional property management role leading to excellence in management.
InterMark is positioned to successfully handle all types of multi-family properties through the two main divisions that compose the management arm of our organization: Conventional Properties and Affordable Properties. These divisions allow us to provide concentrated management focused on the unique opportunities with each individual property.
"InterMark’s impact on an owner’s bottom-line starts with a thorough approach to training our front-line staff."